Throughout our lives, occasional joint discomfort might seem like a common occurrence. Yet, when joint pain becomes a persistent companion, its impact transcends mere discomfort—it starts to infringe upon the quality of our lives. Persistent joint pain isn’t just physically distressing; it can become an unwelcome disruptor, affecting daily activities, work, hobbies, and overall well-being. The constant ache or sharp twinge can limit mobility, hinder productivity, and diminish the enjoyment of once-beloved activities. Additionally, the persistence of joint pain can take a toll on mental health, causing frustration, stress, and a sense of helplessness.

Often, we attribute joint pain to the natural aging process or perhaps an old sports injury, accepting it as an inevitable part of life. However, what many individuals may not realize is that relief from persistent joint pain is attainable, and they need not endure it silently. The challenge lies in recognizing when to seek professional help for joint pain.


It’s very common for individuals to equate their joint pain to aging or being an athlete. Unfortunately, the line between what’s considered “normal” and when seeing a doctor is necessary can blur. Recognizing the significance of persistent joint pain is crucial, and seeking appropriate medical attention and management becomes imperative to regain control, improve daily functionality, and reclaim the vitality and joy in life. It’s essential to understand that effective treatments and relief options are available. Knowing when to consult a doctor for joint pain is a crucial step toward improving one’s quality of life and discovering the possibilities for managing and alleviating persistent joint discomfort.

At Rheumwell, our team of experienced Miami rheumatologists is dedicated to helping you effectively reduce and manage your joint pain. With their extensive experience and deep understanding of rheumatic conditions, they provide personalized care and treatment strategies tailored to alleviate discomfort and improve your overall quality of life. However, many of our clients wonder when is it necessary to contact us about your joint pain. To better answer this question, we have compiled information pertaining to joint pain, root causes, and how we can help you reduce joint pain. Contact one of our Miami joint pain treatment specialists near you to get started today.

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Types Of Joint Pain

Joint pain is a diverse type of pain that can manifest throughout the body, yet its occurrence and intensity vary significantly from person to person. While some individuals might experience joint pain in specific areas, others might feel discomfort spread across different joints, highlighting the unique nature of this sensation for each individual.

Knee Joint Pain 

knee joint pain


Knee joint pain stands as a prevalent concern for many adults, often stemming from the wear and tear of daily activities such as: 

  • Walking
  • Bending
  • Lifting

Athletes engaged in running or sports involving jumping and quick pivoting are also prone to experiencing knee pain. Whether due to aging or injury, knee pain can pose a significant nuisance and, in some cases, become debilitating. 

Common issues related to knee problems encompass: 

  • Sprained or strained ligaments
  • Cartilage tears
  • Tendonitis
  • Arthritis

Diagnosis of knee joint pain or injuries typically involves a thorough medical examination coupled with diagnostic procedures like x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, or arthroscopy to pinpoint the source and extent of the problem. If you’re experiencing knee joint pain, we highly recommend contacting our team of Miami rheumatologists to seek knee joint pain treatment before the condition worsens.

Shoulder Joint Pain 

Shoulder joint pain also ranks among the more common types of joint discomfort, mainly due to the shoulder’s remarkable mobility as the body’s most flexible joint. This flexibility is owed to the intricate combination of four muscles and their tendons, collectively known as the rotator cuff, allowing for extensive motion. 

Discomfort in this area often arises from various factors around the rotator cuff, such as: 

  • Swelling
  • Injury
  • Structural changes 
  • Arthritis

Bursitis—an inflammation of the fluid-filled sac that cushions the joint—can also contribute to shoulder pain. Recognizing this discomfort often involves symptoms like significant pain during movement, persistent discomfort, or changes in skin color around the shoulder area. These diverse triggers and symptoms highlight the commonality and complexity of shoulder joint pain experienced by many individuals. If you’re grappling with shoulder joint pain, reach out to our joint pain treatment team at Rheumwell for expert guidance and tailored assistance in managing and alleviating hip joint discomfort.

Hip Joint Pain 

The hip joint, connecting your thigh bone (femur) to your pelvis, is among the largest joints in your body. Its pivotal role in movement, weight-bearing, and balance makes hip pain a significant concern. The location and intensity of hip pain can vary, depending on the specific area of the hip joint affected, ranging from a temporary annoyance to a condition requiring professional healthcare intervention.

Hip joint pain stands as a prevalent type of joint discomfort experienced by many individuals. This pain can stem from various causes, from sports injuries to underlying conditions like arthritis. Typically, initial home remedies involving rest and over-the-counter pain relievers may suffice. However, if the pain persists or increases, seeking further treatment becomes necessary. If you’re dealing with hip joint discomfort, reach out to our Florida team near you at Rheumwell for expert assistance in treating and alleviating hip joint pain. Our office offers state of the art infusion therapy for arthritis pain. 

Neck Joint Pain 

Neck joint pain is a prevalent form of discomfort that often arises due to the intricate structure of the cervical spine. Comprising small vertebrae stacked to form the spinal column, the neck also features discs of cartilage between the vertebrae, providing flexibility and acting as shock absorbers. 

Neck joint pain commonly manifests in the middle or sides of the neck, occasionally extending to the shoulders or upper chest. Individuals might also experience accompanying symptoms such as pain or weakness in the arms, tension headaches that radiate to the back of the head, ears, or behind the eyes, and a feeling of tightness in the neck muscles—particularly noticeable after prolonged periods in a fixed position, whether sitting or sleeping. If you’re facing neck joint discomfort, contact our nearby Miami team at Rheumwell for expert assistance in addressing and managing hip joint pain.

Signs & Symptoms Of Joint Pain

Joint pain varies significantly among individuals, both in the type of discomfort experienced and the specific joints affected. Being mindful of the diverse signs and symptoms associated with joint pain is crucial for monitoring its progression and seeking joint pain treatment before it escalates or adversely impacts daily life. Here are the most common signs and symptoms of joint pain:

  • Pain, swelling, or bruising following intense or repetitive exercise is a common symptom of joint pain and might signal a sprain or strain. 
  • Individuals experiencing heightened pain while walking or stiffness after movement is a common sign of joint pain, and might be signs of osteoarthritis. 
  • A hot, swollen joint that worsens upon movement or pressure is another common symptom of joint pain and could indicate bursitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis might present as bilateral pain and stiffness that increases after periods of inactivity. We have terrific rheumatologists at our office who can treat your arthritis effectively
  • Gout signs and symptoms manifest as an intensely painful, hot, swollen joint, typically in the big toe.
  • A hot, swollen joint accompanied by fever or chills could be a sign of a joint infection.

When these symptoms persist or worsen, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly. Contacting a Miami rheumatologist at Rheumwell is recommended if you are experiencing any of these symptoms to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment to manage joint pain effectively.

Causes Of Joint Pain

Joint pain can arise from a multitude of factors and conditions, impacting individuals with arthritis, chronic medical conditions, prior injuries, or those who have overused muscles. Emotional well-being, like stress or anxiety, can contribute to this discomfort as well. Moreover, weight also plays a role, with overweight individuals more susceptible to joint issues, while age-related wear and tear often leads to stiffness and pain in later years.

The most common causes of joint pain encompass various conditions, including:

  1. Osteoarthritis – Characterized by the gradual breakdown of cartilage between bones, leading to painful and stiff joints, typically occurring after age 45.
  2. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – A chronic condition causing joint swelling, pain, and potential deformation, commonly affecting fingers and wrists.
  3. Gout – This involves the accumulation of acidic crystals in joints, particularly in the big toe, leading to severe pain and swelling.
  4. Bursitis – Frequently found in hips, knees, elbows, or shoulders, this condition results from overuse and causes inflammation.
  5. Tendinitis – Inflammation of tendons, usually in areas like the elbow, heel, or shoulder, often due to overuse.
  6. Viruses, Infections, Fever, Or Rashes – Viral infections, fever, or rashes might cause painful joint movement, while injuries such as fractures or sprains can also trigger joint pain. 

Understanding these common causes is essential for identifying the underlying issue and seeking appropriate treatment for joint pain discomfort.

Joint Pain Treatment Options Near You

joint pain treatment

Given the unique nature of joint pain experienced by each individual, joint pain treatment options vary accordingly. At Rheumwell, we understand this diversity and offer a wide array of tailored joint pain solutions to address the specific needs of each patient. Our approach encompasses personalized treatments to ensure effective relief and management of joint discomfort based on individual circumstances and conditions.

  1. Exercise Programs – Customized exercise routines focusing on low-impact activities like walking or swimming to regain strength and function. Gentle stretching exercises can also aid in managing joint pain.
  2. At-Home Remedies – Recommendations might include using heating pads or ice packs on affected areas for short periods throughout the day. Soaking in a warm bath can also provide relief.
  3. Weight & Nutrition Management – Tailored guidance on weight loss and nutrition supplements to reduce strain on joints and alleviate discomfort. 
  4. Topical Treatments – Prescription or over-the-counter ointments and gels to ease pain, applied directly to the affected joint area.

In cases where initial joint pain treatments prove insufficient, Rheumwell offers further options:

  • Supportive Aids – Custom-fit braces, canes, or orthotic devices for added support.
  • Physical or Occupational Therapy – Tailored therapy sessions to address specific joint pain concerns.
  • Steroidal Injections – Administered into the joint for short-term relief from pain and swelling. 
  • Prescription Pain Relief – Medications prescribed to alleviate discomfort based on individual needs.

We emphasize the importance of monitoring each joint pain treatment’s effectiveness, as responses to medications and therapies vary among each person treating their joint pain. Our team at Rheumwell prioritizes comprehensive care and closely collaborates with patients to ensure treatments align with their specific requirements and health conditions. Always follow your provider’s instructions diligently and communicate any side effects experienced during treatment. We also have psoriatic arthritis treatment available at our office.

Are There Surgical Joint Pain Treatment Options?

For individuals whose joint pain persists despite other treatments, surgical options may be considered to address the underlying issues:

  • Joint Replacement – This surgery involves replacing a worn-out joint with an artificial one, particularly beneficial when the protective cartilage between bones diminishes, causing persistent discomfort.
  • Osteotomy – Surgeons perform this procedure to realign or reshape the long bones in the arms or legs, redistributing pressure away from the damaged portion of the joint.
  • Joint Fusion – In this surgery, the surgeon secures the ends of the bones together, eliminating the joint entirely. This procedure aims to alleviate pain by immobilizing the joint.
  • Arthroscopy – This minimally invasive procedure involves small incisions made over the joint, allowing the surgeon to access and address specific joint issues through specialized tools and techniques.

At Rheumwell, we consider surgical interventions only after comprehensive evaluation and when other treatments have proven ineffective in managing joint pain. Our team works closely with our patients to explore all available options and determine the most suitable course of action based on individual needs and conditions.

When Should I See a Doctor for My Joint Pain?

While mild joint pain often responds well to over-the-counter NSAIDs and rest, certain signs indicate the need for prompt medical attention from your healthcare provider. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe debilitation, and it’s crucial to pay attention to specific indicators:

  • Limited Range of Motion – Difficulty bending or straightening the joint.
  • Swelling – Noticeable swelling around the joint.
  • Impact on Mobility – Pain preventing normal walking.
  • Stiffness or Enlargement – The joint feels stiff or appears enlarged.
  • Unexplained Weight Loss – Losing 10 pounds or more without actively trying to.
  • Noisy Joints – Clicking, grinding, or snapping sounds during joint movement.
  • Numbness – Experiencing numbness around the affected joint.
  • Loss of Motion – A significant decrease in joint mobility.
  • Hot and Swollen Joint – Immediate evaluation is required for a hot, swollen joint.
  • Fever with Pain – Joint pain accompanied by a fever.

Contact a Miami Joint Pain Doctor Near You

If you are looking for a Miami joint pain treatment doctor near you, contact Rheumwell at (305) 671-3447 today. 

At Rheumwell, we urge individuals experiencing any of these signs in their joint pain to seek medical attention promptly. Our team is dedicated to evaluating and addressing these symptoms comprehensively, devising a personalized joint pain treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and conditions. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a thorough assessment and proactive management of your joint pain.

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